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W3 Ragnarsdottir

Ása Helga Proppe Ragnarsdottir


FLISS, the Icelandic drama and theatre association in Education.

Games in the classroom.

90 minutes


Research shows that the use of games in the classroom can increase student motivation, has a positive influence on their attitudes towards school, and leads to extracurricular skills such as creativity and complex cognitive skills (Cain, 2022). Numerous studies have shown the importance and multifaceted value of play and games for children development, emotional development, social development, intellectual development, and not least moral development (Cain, 2012; Booth, 2014; Linde 2019).

In this workshop we discuss the value of good games in leisure and schoolwork. Moreover, several different games will be introduced and played, such as name games, role playing games, group games, riddles, quizzes, environmental games, word games and drama.

The aim is to stimulate and maintain the creativity in kids’ drama and games. It is fun to play, create and work together and at the same time learn.

Ása Helga is the chairman of FLÍSS the Icelandic drama and theatre association. She is the vice-president of GCM, General council meeting of IDEA. She is a senior Lecturer in Arts and Drama Education at the School of Education, University of Iceland and a drama teacher at Iceland Academy of the Arts. She holds a degree Master of Arts in Drama and Theatre Education from the University of Warwick in England, 2002. Ása has been involved in curriculum development in Iceland and introducing drama in schools and higher education for over 35 years. She is an author of both textbooks and scholarly publications and articles on drama in education and has been a researcher for years. Her research interests are aesthetic learning processes in professional and interdisciplinary work. She is a professional actress and was a host at the children’s program in the Icelandic television for several years.

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